The Changing Face of HR Function
HR has always been a strategic function and a business partner, but now boards are calling on HR Leaders to impact and deliver tangible business benefits.
Can HR directly impact board level goals like Topline, EBIDTA margins, ESG amongst others?
Outcomation is a radical approach that can empower HR Functions to impact outcomes in alignment with organisation’s :
Business Strategies, Goals, & Objectives.
Conventional automation tools focus on improving the Means while Outcomation focuses on alignment of any process with the stated Purpose.
The OutcomationTM Framework
Aligning Aspirations of Organisation and People
Eliminating Non-Value-Adds, Productivity Gains using LEAN Methodologies
Governance, Risk Management, Compliance (GRC), Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), Data Privacy, GDPR
Designing and Deploying Power of Analytics
Attracting, Engaging & Nurturing Talent. Employer Branding
Empowering Teams, Fostering Collaboration, Wellness, Inclusion