Hiring the right talent is a bit of Science and Art. An HR must well define the job description before inviting a candidate for an interview. It can be a tedious process but fruitful in the end if you hit the jackpot.
Skillset > Qualification
A brilliant candidate doesn’t necessarily have to be an MBA or engineer. It is unfair to judge them based on their qualification however they can be hired based on their skillset.

Ask the Right Questions
Asking the right set of questions will make the hiring easy. You will be clear if the employees fit the position or not. It will allow knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate.
More Beyond the Resume
The resumes are good to profile the necessary information about the candidates. However, HR should be focussed on the value he/she can bring to the table. Observe the confidence level of the employee during the interview.

Keep the Interview Friendly
Don’t be an interrogator while interviewing the candidates. Make them comfortable and keep a smiling face. Ask relevant questions and also it should be a two-way conversation.