How can the ESS Portal drive Employee Engagement


Written from the ZingHR Team

One can’t overstate the importance of Employee Engagement. When carried out effectively, Employee Engagement helps employees develop a better understanding of their roles, expectations and opportunities for better career growth within the organization. Some of the major challenges faced by HR Managers today is the lack of resources and a robust platform to engage their employees.
Engagement also brings in a smoother and more effective communication at various levels of the organizational hierarchy. It plays a vital role in binding employees together with a greater sense of alignment to the organizational goals and values. Not having a common, robust platform is an obstacle in the entire process of engaging employees to build a strong organizational culture.

 Employee Self Service Portal | The Concept:

An Employee Self Service Portal or simply put, an ESS is one plausible solution that serves the purpose of bringing together the employees, ensuring free flowing communication, information exchange and feedback.
An ESS is a vital part of your Human Capital Management (HCM) System and serves as platform, that does not only enable communication, but also solves the purpose of providing employees with the access to information that is crucial to them. It reduces the stress of managing mundane operational tasks that are executed by the HR.
ESS implementation in an organization must be extremely user-friendly, one that encourages employees to log in and use the portal.

Benefits of Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement has constantly proved to derive quantified benefits for an organization. According to the 2016 Meta Analysis by Gallup Organization, of over 1.4 Million employees, it is found that highly engaged organizations are much more successful than organizations with low levels of engagement.
The productivity in highly engaged organizations is 22% greater than that of companies with low levels of engagement. It also improves the turnover rate of an organization, as organizations that usually witness high attrition have reported 24% lesser attrition and organization that witness low attrition, reported a 59% lower attrition rate after introducing employee engagement activities. The matrices like Safety and Quality Defects reported of 48% and 41% fewer such incidence respectively.
The following are some of the benefits of having a robust and easy to use ESS:

  • Effective Communication: An ESS with its inbuilt Chat Tools serves as an intelligent platform for smoother and better communication between employees and managers
  • Timely Tracking & Feedback: With an ESS portal in place, employees can track the developments within the organization, on their projects, and further provide or receive feedback on their work, thereby plan or decide on the way ahead
  • Understanding of Organizational Hierarchy: Employees can get a glimpse of the organizational hierarchy, keep the communication precise, and interact with relevant managers and personnel within the organization
  • Direct, improved employee access to HR services: HR managers no more need to spend time in creating and distributing Salary Slips, Tax Computation Document, TDS Forms etc; as an employee has a direct access to any of these documents at their fingertips through the ESS portal
  • Increase efficiency by streamlining processes: The ESS portal streamlines HR processes, thereby reducing time and efforts and increases efficiency
  • Better Collaboration & Learning: When employees have an efficient medium to communicate, it helps them collaborate and share their knowledge and expertise, helping each other learn and grow. Most of the ESS portals these days, have an integrated Knowledge / Learning Management System in place that is built purposefully to share knowledge
  • Improved Employee Engagement & Retention: The ESS portal helps bring a sense of belongingness between employees and binds them strongly with organizational values, bringing greater clarity pertaining to organizational goals, as well as their roles and importance in the entire value chain
  • Regular News and Updates: Any updates, news, announcements, intimations on policy change, details of events, achievements, occasions, directives as well important documents needed in business scenarios can directly be made available to all or a chosen set of employees

With the above benefits and many other perks on offer, it is imperative for any organization to have an HCM that brings simple, easy to use, yet a robust Employee Self Service portal to the table. With its varied range of “Hire to Retire” Employee Life Cycle Management solutions in place, ZingHR brings you an intuitively designed ESS portal that helps you engage with your employees better and see marked improvements in their overall productivity.
Read about ZingHR’s Employee Self Service Portal & Mobile App Features.